How To Get Rid Of Ground Moles With Vinegar?

If you’ve ever battled with pesky moles that have destroyed your lawn or garden, you’re likely aware of how frustrating it can be. 

While numerous ways exist to eradicate these little critters, not all are environmentally friendly or humane. 

Fortunately, a natural and non-toxic solution to this problem is readily available in your kitchen – vinegar! 

In this guide, I’ll share my expertise in effectively removing ground moles with vinegar

So, if you’re looking for a safe and inexpensive way to protect your garden from moles, keep reading!

Will Vinegar Get Rid Of Moles In The Yard?

Yes, vinegar can help get rid of moles in the yard. The strong smell of vinegar can repel moles and disrupt their sense of smell, making it difficult to navigate and locate food. 

However, it may be a temporary solution and must be reapplied regularly. 

Additionally, it’s important to note that vinegar may also kill plants in the surrounding area, so it should be used cautiously. 

Other methods, such as trapping or calling a professional exterminator, may also be necessary for more severe mole infestations.

How to Apply Vinegar to Get Rid of Ground Moles?

1Identify the active mole tunnels in your yard.
2Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a large container.
3Use a watering can or spray bottle to apply the vinegar solution to the active tunnels.
4Repeat the application of the vinegar solution daily for several days until the moles are gone.
5After the moles are gone, maintain the lawn by regularly mowing and watering it to prevent future mole infestations.

Vinegar is a popular and effective home remedy for removing ground moles. 

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The best way to apply vinegar to remove moles in your yard is to create a vinegar solution by mixing equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle.

Step 1: Locate Mole Tunnels The first step in removing moles with vinegar is locating their tunnels. This can be done by walking around the yard and looking for raised ridges or using a garden fork to probe the soil for soft spots.

Step 2: Mix Vinegar Solution Once you have located the tunnels, mix a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Shake the bottle well to ensure the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.

Step 3: Apply Vinegar Solution to Tunnels Spray the vinegar solution liberally into the mole tunnels. It is essential to saturate the tunnels thoroughly to ensure the moles come into contact with the vinegar.

Step 4: Repeat the Process Repeat the application process every few days until the moles have been driven away. It is important to note that this method may only work for some types of moles and may require several applications to be effective.

Step 5: Prevent Future Mole Infestations To prevent future mole infestations, keep your yard free of debris and regularly mow your lawn. Moles are attracted to areas with high moisture levels and organic matter, so reducing these factors in your yard can help deter them. Additionally, consider planting mole-repellent plants such as daffodils, alliums, or marigolds.

Get Rid of Ground Moles Video

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Prevention of Ground Moles with Vinegar

 These pests can wreak havoc on your beautiful lawn, leaving unsightly mounds of dirt and damaging your plants. 

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While vinegar can effectively remove ground moles, prevention is always the best action.

Here are three easy ways to use vinegar to prevent ground moles:

  1. Use a spray bottle to apply vinegar to areas where you have seen mole activity. Repeat this process once a week to keep the moles away.
  2. Create a vinegar solution by mixing one part vinegar and one part water. Using a watering can, apply the solution to your lawn or garden. This will help to deter moles from burrowing in your yard.
  3. Soak cotton balls in vinegar and place them in the mole tunnels. The strong smell of vinegar will irritate the moles and cause them to move elsewhere.
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How To Get Rid Of Ground Moles With Vinegar?

Reasons To Use Vinegar To Get Rid Of Ground Moles

I highly recommend using vinegar to get rid of ground moles for several reasons:

  1. Natural and Safe: Vinegar is a natural and safe alternative to chemical pesticides. It doesn’t harm the environment or your pets.
  2. Cost-Effective: Vinegar is relatively inexpensive and readily available in most households compared to other pest control methods.
  3. Effective: Vinegar is highly effective in repelling ground moles due to its strong odor, which irritates their sensitive noses.
  4. Easy to Use: Applying vinegar is easy. You can spray the vinegar directly onto the mole’s tunnels or soak cotton balls in vinegar and place them in the tunnels.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How to use vinegar to get rid of ground moles?

A: Mix vinegar with equal parts of water and pour the solution into the mole tunnels, covering all entry and exit points. Repeat this process regularly to discourage moles from returning.

Q: Is vinegar safe for the environment and other plants in the yard?

A: Yes, vinegar is a natural and eco-friendly solution to repel ground moles and is safe for the environment and other plants in the yard.

Q: Are there any other home remedies to remove ground moles?

A: Yes, other home remedies to get rid of ground moles include using castor oil, garlic, or spicy peppers in the mole tunnels.


In conclusion, vinegar is an effective and natural solution for getting rid of ground moles. Its strong odor and taste repel moles and discourage them from burrowing in your yard. By following the steps mentioned above, you can easily apply vinegar to your lawn and keep it mole-free without harmful chemicals.

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