How to Get Rid of Skunks In My Yard?

Ah, the joys of yard ownership. The sun, the fresh air, the…skunks? Yes, those stinky little critters can quickly turn a dreamy outdoor space into a smelly nightmare. But don’t fret, my friend. 

The good news is that getting rid of skunks in your yard is possible, and we’re here to help you do that. With our expert tips and tricks, you’ll have those skunks packed up and moving out in no time. 

So grab a glass of sweet tea and settle in because it’s time to say goodbye to those smelly visitors.

What is Skunks in Yard?

Skunks in the yard are a common problem for homeowners. These black and white striped creatures are known for their pungent odor, which they release as a defence mechanism when they feel threatened. 

Skunks are nocturnal animals and can cause damage to lawns and gardens as they search for food. They may burrow under sheds or decks and attract other pests like fleas and ticks. 

Although they may seem cute, skunks can be a nuisance and health hazard, so keeping them out of your yard is essential.

Top Methods to get rid of skunks in yard

here is the top methods to get rid of skunks in the yard.


Make your yard less attractive to skunks by securing trash cans, removing food sources, and making the area less inviting.


Use chemical or natural repellents to deter skunks from entering your yard. These products can be applied to lawns, gardens, and other areas to keep skunks away.


Traps can be used to capture skunks and relocate them safely. Be sure to use a live or box trap and follow safety guidelines to avoid injury.

Professional Removal

If the skunks in your yard are remarkably persistent, you may need to call in a professional. Wildlife removal experts have the experience and equipment to remove skunks from your property safely.

Odour Neutralization

If skunks have sprayed in your yard, you’ll need to neutralize the odour to prevent a repeat occurrence. Use a commercial odour neutralizer or a solution of vinegar and baking soda to eliminate the smell.

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Humane Ways to Relocate Skunks

Relocating skunks can be a humane solution for removing them from your yard. Here is a guide on how to humanely relocate skunks:

  1. Determine if relocation is appropriate: Check local regulations and guidelines to make sure that it is legal and safe to relocate skunks in your area.
  2. Please choose the right time: Skunks are active at night, so it’s best to relocate them in the evening when they are less active.
  3. Wear protective gear: Skunks can spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defence mechanism, so make sure to wear gloves and protective clothing to avoid being sprayed.
  4. Use a live trap: Set a live trap in an area where you have seen skunks, and use bait to lure them into the trap. Once the skunk is trapped, carefully transfer the trap to a vehicle and transport it to the release site.
  5. Release the skunk: Release the skunk safely from your property in an area that provides suitable habitat, such as a wooded area or park. Make sure to open the trap door slowly and quietly to avoid startling the skunk.
  6. Monitor the area: Observe the area for a few days to ensure that the skunk has not returned, and take additional measures if necessary.
How to Get Rid of Skunks In My Yard?
How to Get Rid of Skunks In My Yard?

Effective Skunk Repellent Solutions

Repelling skunks is a cost-effective and non-invasive solution for removing them from your yard. Here are some of the most effective skunk-repellent solutions:

Chemical Repellents

Chemical repellents, such as ammonia and mothballs, emit a strong odour that skunks find unpleasant and will avoid.

Place these products around the perimeter of your yard and in areas where skunks are known to visit.

Natural Repellents

Natural repellents, such as citrus peels and vinegar, also emit strong odours that skunks find unpleasant.

Scatter these products around your yard, mix them with water, and spray them in affected areas.

Ultrasonic Repellents

Ultrasonic repellents emit high-frequency sounds that are unpleasant to skunks but inaudible to humans.

These devices can be placed strategically around your yard to keep skunks away.

Importance of Proper Skunk Handling

Handling skunks can be dangerous, both for you and the skunk. Skunks are known for their ability to spray a foul-smelling liquid as a defence mechanism, and they will do so if they feel threatened.

Proper skunk handling is crucial to minimize the risk of getting sprayed and to ensure the safety of both you and the skunk.

Here are a few tips on how to handle skunks properly:

  1. Wear protective gear: To minimize the risk of getting sprayed, always wear gloves and protective clothing when handling skunks.
  2. Remain calm: Skunks are easily frightened and will spray if they feel threatened. So, it’s essential to remain calm and avoid sudden movements.
  3. Use a live trap: If you need to remove a skunk from your yard, use it to safely and humanely capture it.
  4. Handle the trap carefully: Once the skunk is trapped, handle the trap carefully to avoid startling the skunk. If you’re transporting the skunk to a new location, secure the trap in your vehicle to prevent it from tipping over.
  5. Release the skunk in a safe area: When releasing the skunk, choose a safe area that provides suitable habitat, such as a wooded area or park. Make sure to open the trap door slowly and quietly to avoid startling the skunk.
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Factors That Attract Skunks to Your Yard

Skunks are opportunistic feeders attracted to yards that offer an easy source of food and shelter.

Here are some of the common factors that attract skunks to your yard:

  1. Open garbage cans: Skunks are attracted to open garbage cans, as they contain food scraps and other sources of nutrition. Make sure to keep your garbage cans securely covered and locked.
  2. Pet food: If you leave food out for your pets, it’s also an easy source for skunks. Make sure to remove any uneaten pet food from your yard before nightfall.
  3. Fruit trees: Skunks are attracted to fruit trees as they provide a ready food source. If you have fruit trees in your yard, pick up fallen fruit promptly to avoid attracting skunks.
  4. Bird feeders: Bird feeders are a common food source for skunks, containing seeds and other food sources. Consider using a squirrel-proof bird feeder to reduce the risk of attracting skunks.
  5. Dens: Skunks are attracted to yards that provide suitable den sites, such as piles of leaves, stacks of firewood, and abandoned buildings. If you have any of these in your yard, remove them to reduce the risk of attracting skunks.
How to Get Rid of Skunks In My Yard?
How to Get Rid of Skunks In My Yard?

Traps for Capturing Skunks Safely

Trapping skunks can effectively remove them from your property safely, but it must be done carefully to avoid harm to both the skunks and yourself.

Here are some guidelines for trapping skunks safely:

  1. Use a live trap: Live traps are a humane way to capture and relocate skunks. Make sure to choose a large trap for the skunk to turn around and stand up in.
  2. Bait the trap: Skunks are attracted to strong-smelling foods, such as overripe fruits, canned fish, or sardines. Place the bait at the back of the trap, and be sure to secure the trap door.
  3. Place the trap in an area where skunks are frequently seen, such as near their den or a food source. Make sure to keep the trap level and secure to avoid injuring the skunk.
  4. Wear gloves: When handling the trap, wear gloves to protect yourself from skunk spray.
  5. Release the skunk: Once you have captured a skunk, release it as far away from your property as possible. Make sure to choose a suitable release site for skunks, such as a wooded area with adequate food and shelter.

Natural Solutions for Deterring Skunks

If you’re looking for an eco-friendly and humane way to keep skunks out of your yard, you can try several natural solutions. Here are some practical methods for deterring skunks:

  1. Secure your trash cans: Skunks are attracted to food odours, so secure your trash cans and compost bins. Use a tight-fitting lid and keep them away from the edge of your property.
  2. Plant deterrents: Certain plants have natural deterrent properties that can keep skunks away. Plants such as marigolds, lemongrass, and eucalyptus have strong scents that skunks dislike.
  3. Use ammonia: Ammonia is a natural deterrent that can be used to repel skunks. Soak rags in ammonia and place them near the entrances to your property. The strong scent will keep skunks away.
  4. Install motion-activated lights: Skunks are nocturnal animals that are sensitive to light. Installing motion-activated lights near the perimeter of your property will scare them away.
  5. Create a barrier: A physical barrier can also be an effective way to keep skunks away. Install a fence around your property, ensuring it is at least 4 feet tall and dug into the ground to prevent skunks from digging under it.
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Consequences of Ignoring Skunks in Your Yard

Ignoring skunks in your yard can lead to several undesirable consequences. 

Here are a few reasons why it’s essential to take skunks seriously and take steps to remove them:

Health Risks

Skunks are known carriers of diseases such as rabies, which can pose a severe health risk to humans and pets.

Property Damage

Skunks can dig up lawns, gardens, and flowerbeds, causing significant damage to your property.

Unpleasant Odors

Skunks emit a strong and pungent odour that can persist for several weeks, making it unpleasant to be inside or outside your home.

Attracting Other Pests

Skunks can attract other pests, such as raccoons, to your property in search of food, leading to even more problems.

Consequences of Ignoring Skunks

Ignoring skunks in your yard can result in health risks, property damage, unpleasant odours, and attracting to other pests. Protect your health, property, and quality of life by removing skunks from your yard.

Video Guide On Best Way to Get Rid of Skunks in Yard

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What attracts skunks to my yard? 

A: Skunks are attracted to yards with food sources, such as bird feeders, pet food, and compost piles. They may also seek shelter in woodpiles, sheds, and other structures.

Q: Is it legal to trap skunks in my yard? 

A: Regulations regarding skunk trapping vary by state, so it’s essential to check your local laws before setting traps. In some states, you may need a permit to trap skunks.

Q: How do I safely remove a trapped skunk? 

A: Always wear gloves and a mask when handling skunks, and release them in a remote location at least five miles away from your home.

Q: What humane methods to get rid of skunks in my yard? 

A: Humane methods to eliminate skunks in your yard include live trapping and relocation, skunk-repellent solutions, and removing food sources to discourage their presence.

Q: Are skunks dangerous to humans or pets? 

A: Skunks can carry diseases such as rabies, so handling them cautiously is essential. They may also spray their strong-smelling oil as a defence mechanism, causing temporary blindness and irritation.

Q: How long does the skunk odour last? 

A: Skunk odour can last for several weeks, depending on the severity of the spray. Using a skunk odour removal solution can help reduce the duration of the odour.

Last Words

In conclusion, removing skunks in your yard requires a combination of exclusion methods, such as removing food sources and sealing entry points, and humane solutions, such as live trapping and relocation or skunk-repellent solutions. 

Handling skunks with caution is essential, as they can carry diseases and spray strong-smelling oil. With the right approach, you can effectively and safely eliminate skunks in your yard.

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