Should I Drain Oil From The Lawn Mower For Winter?

As the colder months approach, it’s essential to start thinking about winterizing your lawn mower. 

One task that many homeowners wonder about is whether or not they should drain the oil from their lawn mower before storing it for the winter. 

In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of draining the oil from your lawn mower before winter storage, as well as provide some tips on how to drain and dispose of the used oil properly.

How do I drain the oil from my lawn mower?

Draining the oil from your lawn mower is a simple process that can help prolong your mower’s life and ensure it runs smoothly when you start using it again in the spring. Here’s how to drain the oil from your lawn mower:

  1. First, ensure your lawn mower is on a level surface and turned off. Remove the spark plug wire to prevent the engine from starting accidentally.
  2. Locate the oil drain plug, which is usually located on the bottom of the mower near the front or back. The oil drain plug will be a bolt or screw to hold the oil pan.
  3. Place a container beneath the oil drain plug to catch the oil as it drains out. The container should be large enough to have all the oil in your lawn mower.
  4. Use a wrench or pliers to loosen the oil drain plug. Be careful not to strip the bolt or screw, as this can make it difficult to remove in the future.
  5. Once the oil drain plug is loosened, drag it to allow it to drain out. The oil may take a few minutes to drain out, so be patient.
  6. Once the oil has finished draining, replace the oil drain plug and tighten it securely.
  7. Dispose of the used oil properly. Many auto parts stores and repair shops will accept used oil for recycling.
  8. Check your owner’s manual to see if your lawn mower requires extraordinary oil or oil filter changes. If so, perform these maintenance tasks before storing your mower for the winter.
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Pros and Cons of Draining the Oil From Your Lawn Mower 

There are pros and cons to draining the oil from your lawn mower. Here are some of the potential benefits and drawbacks:


  • Draining the oil from your lawn mower can help extend the engine’s life by removing contaminants and debris that can accumulate over time.
  • Changing the oil regularly can also improve the performance and efficiency of your lawn mower, as fresh oil can more effectively lubricate the engine and reduce friction.
  • Draining the oil can also do cleaning and maintaining your lawn mower easier, as you can more easily access certain engine parts for cleaning and inspection.


  • Draining the oil from your lawn mower can be messy and time-consuming, especially if you need to familiarize yourself with the process.
  • If you’re not careful, you may spill oil or cause other damage to your lawn mower during the process.
  • Depending on the age and condition of your lawn mower, it may be more difficult to drain the oil, which can be frustrating and potentially cause damage to the engine.

Is it necessary to drain the oil from my lawn mower before storing it for the winter?

It is generally recommended to drain the oil from your lawn mower before storing it for the winter, mainly if you use a traditional oil and plan to keep the mower in an unheated space for an extended period. 

Can I leave the oil in my lawn mower if I store it in a heated garage during the winter?

If you store your lawn mower in a heated garage during the winter, it may be optional to drain the oil before storage. 

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However, it’s still a good idea to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for winter storage to ensure that your mower is properly maintained.

should i drain oil from lawn mower for winter

What should I do with the used oil from my lawn mower?

To dispose of used oil from your lawn mower, take it to an auto parts store or repair shop that accepts used oil for recycling. 

You can also check with your local government to see if there is a household hazardous waste collection program in your area. Follow state laws and regulations for the proper disposal of used oil. Never pour used oil down the drain or onto the ground.

How often should I change the oil in my lawn mower?

The frequency of oil changes for your lawn mower depends on the type of oil used, the age and condition of the mower, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. 

Synthetic oil may only need to be changed every 25-50 hours or once a year, while traditional oil may need to be changed every 25-50 hours of operation or every season. 

Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for oil changes, and check the oil level regularly to keep your mower running smoothly.

FAQ (Frequently Answer Questions)

Q: Can I change the oil in my lawn mower during the winter?

A: Yes, if necessary, you can change the oil in your lawn mower during the winter. Just follow the proper procedures for changing the oil, as outlined in the owner’s manual.

Q: Can I use a gasoline stabilizer to extend the shelf life of the fuel in my lawn mower?

A: Yes, you can use a gasoline stabilizer to extend the shelf life of the fuel in your lawn mower. Gasoline stabilizers help prevent the power from breaking down and becoming stale, which can lead to engine problems when you start using the mower again.

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